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Joe DubinWSMV-TV (Nashville, TN)
About: Joe Dubin joined the Channel 4 Sports team in March 2015 after spending more than three years as a radio sports talk host. Prior to becoming a host for the Game Nashville stations, Joe worked for 15 years at WKRN where he won numerous awards. Joe won a regional Emmy Award for Best Sportcast and was nominated for nine Emmy Awards. He was also a two-time Edward R. Murrow Award winner. Joe, a graduate of McGavock High School, has been very active in local charities. His charity work includes the Metro Animal Shelter, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the Alzheimer's Association and others. “Growing up in Nashville, we all know the rich tradition of Channel 4, and to be a part of that now is absolutely incredible,” Joe told The Tennessean. Joe also played college football at Samford University in Birmingham, AL, before graduating from Middle Tennessee State University.

With data dating back to 2014, this page shows you this voter's history with the selected team. The graph shows you with the blue line how the voter ranked this team compared to how they were actually ranked (black line). A gap in the voter's line shows that they left the team unranked that week. Below the graph you can see a list of rankings compared to voter ranks. Only weeks where the team was in the top 25 are included.

Voting History with the UCF Knights

2019 Pre-Season (August 19, 2019)Voted: 19Actual: 17Variance: 2
2019 Week 2 (September 3, 2019)Voted: 16Actual: 18Variance: 2
2019 Week 3 (September 8, 2019)Voted: 14Actual: 17Variance: 3
2019 Week 4 (September 15, 2019)Voted: 14Actual: 15Variance: 1
2019 Week 5 (September 22, 2019)Voted: 25Actual: 22Variance: 3
2019 Week 6 (September 29, 2019)Voted: 24Actual: 18Variance: 6
2019 Final Rankings (January 14, 2020)Voted: 25Actual: 24Variance: 1