c John Silver Biases at College Poll Tracker
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John SilverThe Journal Inquirer (Manchester, CT)
Twitter: @JohnFSilver
About: John Silver is the Assistant Sports Editor for the Manchester (Conn.) Journal Inquirer and is entering his eighth season covering the University of Connecticut football team. John has a decade of experience working in the newspaper field and has covered college basketball and football for the last 11 seasons. John has won a handful of regional awards for his work covering college athletics and also won the FWAA's Best Writing Contest for column writing in 2010. John will serve on the FWAA's 2012 FWAA All-America Board representing the Big East Conference and also is a voter for the Biletnikoff Award (top wide receiver) and the Davey O'Brien Award (top quarterback). A University of Connecticut graduate, John resides in Farmington, Conn. with his wife Shannon and two children, Julia and John Jr. ages 6 and 3. 

Biased Towards


Biased Against


Neutral/Not Enough Info
