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Sep 29, 2024 Week 6 Rankings for Koki Riley1 Alabama (40) 4-0 Actual: 1Highest: 1 - 40 Voters Lowest: 3 - 3 Voters 1549 Points
2 Ohio State (4) 4-0 Actual: 3Highest: 1 - 4 Voters Lowest: 5 - 2 Voters 1445 Points
3 Texas (19) 5-0 Actual: 2Highest: 1 - 19 Voters Lowest: 3 - 6 Voters 1525 Points
4 Georgia 3-1 Actual: 5Highest: 2 - Brett McMurphy Lowest: 8 - 7 Voters 1329 Points
5 Tennessee 4-0 Actual: 4Highest: 2 - Eric Hansen Lowest: 8 - Kirk Kenney 1356 Points
6 Oregon 4-0 Actual: 6Highest: 5 - 9 Voters Lowest: 10 - Emily Leiker 1216 Points
7 Penn State 4-0 Actual: 7Highest: 4 - Chip Towers Lowest: 10 - Adam Cole 1208 Points
8 Miami (FL) 5-0 Actual: 8Highest: 5 - 4 Voters Lowest: 10 - 2 Voters 1170 Points
9 Ole Miss 4-1 Actual: 12Highest: 9 - 3 Voters Lowest: 25 - Chris Murray 799 Points
10 Clemson 3-1 Actual: 15Highest: 9 - 4 Voters Lowest: 23 - Jon Wilner 694 Points
11 Missouri 4-0 Actual: 9Highest: 6 - 4 Voters Lowest: 12 - 2 Voters 1085 Points
12 USC 3-1 Actual: 11Highest: 11 - 21 Voters Lowest: 16 - 2 Voters 854 Points
13 LSU 4-1 Actual: 13Highest: 10 - Kirk Bohls Lowest: 20 - 2 Voters 757 Points
14 Notre Dame 4-1 Actual: 14Highest: 8 - Josh Furlong Lowest: 25 - Jon Wilner 748 Points
15 Texas A&M 4-1 Actual: 25Highest: 15 - Koki Riley Lowest: NR - 26 Voters 122 Points
16 Louisville 3-1 Actual: 22Highest: 16 - 4 Voters Lowest: NR - 18 Voters 223 Points
17 Utah 4-1 Actual: 18Highest: 9 - Jon Wilner Lowest: NR - 3 Voters 467 Points
18 Michigan 4-1 Actual: 10Highest: 9 - 3 Voters Lowest: 21 - Jon Wilner 913 Points
19 Illinois 4-1 Actual: 24Highest: 12 - 2 Voters Lowest: NR - 27 Voters 169 Points
20 Iowa State 4-0 Actual: 16Highest: 9 - 2 Voters Lowest: 23 - 2 Voters 656 Points
21 Kansas State 4-1 Actual: 20Highest: 14 - 2 Voters Lowest: NR - 6 Voters 398 Points
22 Oklahoma 4-1 Actual: 19Highest: 14 - Dave Preston Lowest: NR - 4 Voters 428 Points
23 BYU 5-0 Actual: 17Highest: 8 - Michael Lev Lowest: NR - Emily Leiker 549 Points
24 Nebraska 4-1 Actual: 29Highest: 13 - Jon Wilner Lowest: NR - 58 Voters 30 Points
25 Indiana 5-0 Actual: 23Highest: 15 - Stephen Means Lowest: NR - 21 Voters 172 Points
Ranked Teams Not on Ballot: 21-Boise State 25-UNLV