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Neill Ostrout Journal Inquirer (Manchester, CT) About: I cover the UConn basketball team and football team for the Journal Inquirer.
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Aug 19, 2019 Pre-Season Rankings for Neill Ostrout1 Clemson (52) 15-0 Actual: 1Highest: 1 - 52 Voters Lowest: 2 - 10 Voters 1540 Points
2 Alabama (10) 14-1 Actual: 2Highest: 1 - 10 Voters Lowest: 3 - 2 Voters 1496 Points
3 Georgia 11-3 Actual: 3Highest: 2 - 2 Voters Lowest: 7 - Kirk Bohls 1403 Points
4 Ohio State 13-1 Actual: 5Highest: 3 - 2 Voters Lowest: 14 - Mark Whicker 1261 Points
5 Oklahoma 12-2 Actual: 4Highest: 3 - 12 Voters Lowest: 8 - 2 Voters 1331 Points
6 Michigan 10-3 Actual: 7Highest: 4 - 5 Voters Lowest: 13 - 2 Voters 1164 Points
7 Florida 10-3 Actual: 8Highest: 3 - Mark Whicker Lowest: 16 - Adam Zucker 1054 Points
8 Notre Dame 12-1 Actual: 9Highest: 5 - Conor O'Neill Lowest: 16 - Eric Boynton 1044 Points
9 LSU 10-3 Actual: 6Highest: 3 - Matt Brown Lowest: 12 - Robert Cessna 1199 Points
10 Texas 10-4 Actual: 10Highest: 4 - 3 Voters Lowest: 22 - Matt Baker 1005 Points
11 Penn State 9-4 Actual: 15Highest: 8 - Pat Dooley Lowest: NR - 651 Points
12 Texas A&M 9-4 Actual: 12Highest: 6 - 2 Voters Lowest: 25 - Jon Wilner 852 Points
13 Washington 10-4 Actual: 13Highest: 9 - 2 Voters Lowest: 19 - 3 Voters 786 Points
14 Utah 9-5 Actual: 14Highest: 5 - Kirk Bohls Lowest: 24 - Garland Gillen 772 Points
15 UCF 12-1 Actual: 17Highest: 11 - Bob Asmussen Lowest: NR - 8 Voters 410 Points
16 Wisconsin 8-5 Actual: 19Highest: 14 - 2 Voters Lowest: NR - 10 Voters 370 Points
17 Auburn 8-5 Actual: 16Highest: 8 - 2 Voters Lowest: NR - 6 Voters 578 Points
18 Nebraska 4-8 Actual: 24Highest: 12 - Doug Lesmerises Lowest: NR - 32 Voters 154 Points
19 Oregon 9-4 Actual: 11Highest: 6 - Sam McKewon Lowest: 21 - John Bednarowski 860 Points
20 Syracuse 10-3 Actual: 22Highest: 13 - Eric Hansen Lowest: NR - 22 Voters 209 Points
21 Iowa 9-4 Actual: 20Highest: 13 - Jerry DiPaola Lowest: NR - 13 Voters 330 Points
22 Boise State 10-3 Actual: 33Highest: 21 - 2 Voters Lowest: NR - 48 Voters 38 Points
23 Washington State 11-2 Actual: 23Highest: 14 - Brooks Kubena Lowest: NR - 21 Voters 200 Points
24 Missouri 8-5 Actual: 26Highest: 14 - 2 Voters Lowest: NR - 38 Voters 117 Points
25 Army 11-2 Actual: 27Highest: 16 - 2 Voters Lowest: NR - 40 Voters 94 Points
Ranked Teams Not on Ballot: 18-Michigan State 21-Iowa State 25-Stanford