c Patrick Brown Biases at College Poll Tracker
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Patrick BrownChattanooga Times Free Press (Chattanooga, TN)
Twitter: @pbrown247
About: Patrick Brown has been the University of Tennessee beat writer since January 2011. A native of Memphis, Brown graduated from UT in May of 2010 with a bachelor's degree in Journalism/Electronic Media and worked at the Knoxville News Sentinel for two years on the sports editorial staff and as a freelance contributor covering high school sports and Tennessee sports, including football, basketball, softball and volleyball. While in college, he worked at WUTK, Tennessee's student-run radio station, and interned at WBIR, Knoxville's NBC affiliate. He and his wife, Jordan, the high school math teacher he married in June 2014, live in Knoxville.

Biased Towards


Biased Against


Neutral/Not Enough Info
