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Colorado State Rams
Location: Fort Collins, CO Conference: Mountain West

Pollsters with a Bias Towards Colorado State

Jim BensonThe Pantagraph (Bloomington, IL)
Dave BorgesNew Haven Register (New Haven, CT)
Doug DoughtyThe Roanoke Times (Roanoke, VA)
Todd GoldenCNHI Sports (Bloomington, IN)
Chris LangThe News & Advance (Lynchburg, VA)
Fletcher MackelWDSU-TV (New Orleans, LA)
Chris MurrayNevada Sports Net (Reno, NV)
Dylan SinnThe Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, IN)

Pollsters with a Bias Against Colorado State

Brice CherryWaco Tribune-Herald (Waco, TX)
Brian HollandWVLA-TV/WGMB-TV (Baton Rouge, LA)
Stefan KrajisnikClarion Ledger (Jackson, MS)
Jesse NewellKansas City Star (Kansas City, MO)
Dave ReardonHonolulu Star-Advertiser (Honolulu, HI)
Mark ZeiglerSan Diego Union-Tribune (San Diego, CA)