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Thuc Nhi Nguyen Los Angeles Daily News (Los Angeles, CA) About: Thuc Nhi Nguyen has covered UCLA for the Southern California News Group since 2016. A proud Seattle native, she majored in journalism and mathematics at the University of Washington. She likes graphs, animated GIFs and superheroes.
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Dec 11, 2017 Week 6 Rankings for Thuc Nhi Nguyen1 Villanova (41) 10-0 Actual: 1Highest: 1 - 41 Voters Lowest: 3 - 3 Voters 1598 Points
2 Michigan State (19) 9-1 Actual: 2Highest: 1 - 19 Voters Lowest: 4 - 4 Voters 1561 Points
3 Wichita State 8-1 Actual: 3Highest: 2 - Cecil Hurt Lowest: 9 - Tyson Alger 1402 Points
4 Arizona State (5) 9-0 Actual: 5Highest: 1 - 5 Voters Lowest: 18 - Scott Mansch 1316 Points
5 Duke 11-1 Actual: 4Highest: 2 - 6 Voters Lowest: 16 - David Cloninger 1362 Points
6 Texas A&M 8-1 Actual: 9Highest: 4 - 2 Voters Lowest: 18 - Carlos Silva 1072 Points
7 North Carolina 9-1 Actual: 7Highest: 4 - 7 Voters Lowest: 12 - 2 Voters 1237 Points
8 Gonzaga 8-2 Actual: 12Highest: 7 - Graham Couch Lowest: 20 - Craig Meyer 805 Points
9 Miami (FL) 8-0 Actual: 6Highest: 3 - 2 Voters Lowest: 13 - Jesse Newell 1272 Points
10 Xavier 9-1 Actual: 10Highest: 7 - 5 Voters Lowest: 16 - Scott Wolf 1044 Points
11 West Virginia 9-1 Actual: 11Highest: 7 - Doug Doughty Lowest: 21 - Theo Lawson 972 Points
12 Kentucky 8-1 Actual: 8Highest: 3 - 6 Voters Lowest: NR - Graham Couch 1227 Points
13 Seton Hall 8-1 Actual: 15Highest: 8 - Craig Meyer Lowest: NR - J.P. Butler 704 Points
14 TCU 10-0 Actual: 14Highest: 9 - 2 Voters Lowest: NR - 2 Voters 718 Points
15 Arizona 7-3 Actual: 23Highest: 14 - Seth Davis Lowest: NR - 13 Voters 252 Points
16 Virginia 8-1 Actual: 16Highest: 6 - Jesse Newell Lowest: 24 - Carlos Silva 690 Points
17 Kansas 7-2 Actual: 13Highest: 6 - Scott Mansch Lowest: NR - Graham Couch 760 Points
18 Purdue 10-2 Actual: 17Highest: 7 - Jesse Newell Lowest: 24 - Matt Vautour 568 Points
19 Baylor 7-2 Actual: 21Highest: 12 - David Cloninger Lowest: NR - 13 Voters 281 Points
20 Notre Dame 8-2 Actual: 18Highest: 10 - Andrew Lopez Lowest: 23 - 3 Voters 564 Points
21 Tennessee 7-1 Actual: 20Highest: 12 - Jon Nyatawa Lowest: NR - 5 Voters 342 Points
22 Florida State 9-0 Actual: 19Highest: 8 - Chris Murray Lowest: NR - 5 Voters 452 Points
23 Florida 6-3 Actual: 22Highest: 9 - 2 Voters Lowest: NR - 17 Voters 261 Points
24 Texas Tech 7-1 Actual: 24Highest: 17 - Tony Parks Lowest: NR - 13 Voters 191 Points
25 Cincinnati 7-2 Actual: 25Highest: 15 - Jesse Newell Lowest: NR - 30 Voters 145 Points