About: Bob Asmussen is in his 25th year at The Champaign News-Gazette. He became the Illinois football beat writer in 1996. Asmussen has also covered men's and women's basketball, volleyball and wrestling. He has won numerous national and state awards for his writing. Married to a fellow reporter, Asmussen has a son and a daughter. They live in Champaign.
With data dating back to 2014, this page shows you this voter's history with the selected team. The graph shows you with the blue line how the voter ranked this team compared to how they were actually ranked (black line). A gap in the voter's line shows that they left the team unranked that week. Below the graph you can see a list of rankings compared to voter ranks. Only weeks where the team was in the top 25 are included.
Voting History with the West Virginia Mountaineers