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2021 Football Pollsters
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Ryan AberThe Oklahoman (Oklahoma City, OK)
Nathan BairdCleveland.com (Cleveland, OH)
Matt BakerTampa Bay Times (St. Petersburg, FL)
Mike BarberRichmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, VA)
Colten BartholomewWisconsin State Journal (Madison, WI)
Steve BattersonQuad City Times (Davenport, IA)
Kirk BohlsHouston Chronicle (Austin, TX)
David BriggsToledo Blade (Toledo, OH)
Matt BrownSports on Earth (State College, PA)
Lauren BrownlowWRAL (Durham, NC)
Chuck CarltonThe Dallas Morning News (Dallas, TX)
Robert CessnaBryan-College Station Eagle (College Station, TX)